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Please email lstilwell2@gmail.com for reservations, location & detailed information. Suggested donation: $25.00

$50 workshop cost. Please RSVP to lstilwell2@gmail.com for payment details and the event zoom link.

Please RSVP to lstilwell2@gmail.com and receive the event location details.

For address information, please contact Laura Stilwell: lstilwell2@gmail.com
Laura Stilwell & Camille Snyder – vocals, Vince Frates – piano, Dennis Caiazza – bass

Please RSVP to lstilwell2@gmail.com and receive the event location details.

Send an email to lstilwell2@gmail.com and sign up today. There is a limit of six singers and five auditors for the three-hour session. The cost for Singers is $60.00 and for Auditors is $40.00. Visit the “vocal workshop” page for more details or email lstilwell2@gmail.com with questions.

For address information, please contact Laura Stilwell: lstilwell2@gmail.com